Reich Media
Reich Media

How Coinbase and Liquid Death Use Creative Advertising to Break the Mold

Coinbase, the leading cryptocurrency exchange in the US, has made history by securing the largest digital billboard ever. The billboard, which covers the entire side of a skyscraper in New York City, displays the message “Crypto for All” and the Coinbase logo. The billboard is visible from miles away and can be seen by millions of people every day.

The billboard is part of Coinbase’s marketing campaign to promote its upcoming IPO, which is expected to be one of the biggest in history. Coinbase is valued at over $100 billion and has more than 43 million users worldwide. The company aims to make cryptocurrency accessible and easy for everyone, regardless of their background or experience.

Coinbase is not the only company that is using unconventional advertising methods to reach a wider audience. Liquid Death, a canned water brand that claims to “murder your thirst”, has also launched a bold campaign that involves sending 500,000 free cases of water to anyone who signs up on their website. The catch is that the recipients have to agree to sell their souls to the company in exchange for the water.

Liquid Death’s campaign is a tongue-in-cheek way to mock the traditional marketing tactics of the beverage industry, which often use celebrities, influencers, and health claims to sell their products. Liquid Death’s founder, Mike Cessario, said that the company’s mission is to make water more fun and exciting, and to challenge the stereotypes of what a water brand should look like.

Both Coinbase and Liquid Death are examples of how companies can use creative and unconventional advertising strategies to stand out from the crowd and attract more customers. By taking risks and breaking the rules, these companies are able to generate buzz, create loyal fans, and grow their businesses.

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