Tensions have escalated between tech billionaires Elon Musk and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman over a groundbreaking AI initiative dubbed the “Stargate” project. According to sources, the project involves constructing a massive, next-generation data center designed to support OpenAI’s growing artificial intelligence capabilities.
Musk, a vocal critic of OpenAI’s commercialization efforts, reportedly expressed concerns over the ethical implications and potential risks of the project’s ambitions. He has previously accused OpenAI of straying from its original mission of developing AI for the public good, following its transition to a profit-driven model.
Altman, on the other hand, remains steadfast, emphasizing the necessity of advanced infrastructure to maintain OpenAI’s competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.
The feud underscores a broader debate about the direction of artificial intelligence development—balancing innovation with ethical responsibility. With both figures commanding significant influence in the tech world, their clash highlights the high stakes surrounding AI’s future.
This is yet another chapter in the complex relationship between Musk and OpenAI, the company he helped found in 2015 but left shortly after due to ideological differences.