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ChatGPT: How to use the new voice and image features of the AI chatbot

ChatGPT, the popular AI-powered chatbot from OpenAI, has recently added some new features that allow users to interact with it using voice and images. Here’s how you can use these features and what they can do for you.
ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can have natural and engaging conversations with users on various topics. It is powered by GPT-3, one of the most advanced language models in the world, and can generate realistic and coherent responses based on the user’s input. ChatGPT is available as a mobile app and a web app, and users can access it by signing up for a ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise account.

ChatGPT Voice Chat
One of the new features that ChatGPT has introduced is the voice chat, which lets users talk to the chatbot using their voice instead of typing. This feature is especially useful for mobile users who want to have a hands-free and convenient conversation with ChatGPT. To use the voice chat feature, users need to open the ChatGPT app on their mobile, go to the app settings, and enable the voice chat option under the new features section. Once enabled, users can tap the microphone icon on the home screen of the app and start speaking to ChatGPT. The chatbot will use Whisper, OpenAI’s open-sourced speech recognition system, to transcribe the spoken words into text and generate a response. The response will be spoken back to the user using a synthetic voice that mimics a human voice. Users can also see the text version of the conversation on the app screen.

The voice chat feature is currently limited to only work with voice actors that OpenAI has directly worked with, so users cannot choose their preferred voice or accent for the chatbot. However, OpenAI says that it plans to add more voice options and capabilities in the future. The voice chat feature is also only available for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users, and it will be rolled out gradually over a period of 14 days.

ChatGPT Vision
Another new feature that ChatGPT has added is the vision feature, which lets users show ChatGPT images and get help with them. This feature can be useful for users who want to ask ChatGPT questions or get suggestions based on the images they upload. For example, users can show ChatGPT an image of their fridge and ask what they can cook with the ingredients they have, or they can show ChatGPT an image of a graph and ask it to explain the data. To use the vision feature, users need to upload an image using their camera or the photo button on the app. If they are on mobile, they can also press the plus button to get these options. Once the image is uploaded, users can ask ChatGPT questions or commands related to the image, and the chatbot will use GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, the latest versions of the language model, to analyze the image and generate a response. Users can also use the drawing tool on the app to focus on a specific part of the image that they want ChatGPT to pay attention to.

The vision feature works across different types of images, such as photographs, documents, and screenshots. It can also handle complex and abstract images, such as paintings, cartoons, and memes. The vision feature is also only available for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users, and it will be rolled out gradually over a period of 14 days.

ChatGPT is one of the most innovative and versatile AI chatbots in the market, and it is constantly adding new features and improvements to enhance the user experience. The new voice and image features are examples of how ChatGPT can leverage the power of GPT-3 and other AI technologies to create more natural and interactive conversations with users. If you want to try out these features and see what ChatGPT can do for you, you can sign up for a ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise account and download the app from the official website.

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